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Fact Sheet







Mosquito Myths and Facts

Myth: Both male and female mosquitoes bite.

Fact: Only the female mosquito bites. She uses the protein from the blood she takes to develop her eggs. The male mosquito feeds on nectar from flowers.

Myth: All mosquitoes carry diseases.

Fact: Only fresh water species of mosquitoes pose a potential health risk to humans in Collier County.

Myth: The mosquito dies after she takes a blood meal.

Fact: Mosquitos are capable of biting more than once. After the female mosquito takes a blood meal she completes the development of her eggs and may deposit up to 200 eggs. She may then seek another blood meal.

Myth: Mosquitoes are capable of transmitting AIDS.

Fact: No. There is no scientific evidence to support the theory that mosquitoes can transmit AIDS.

Myth: Only the female mosquito makes a buzzing sound.

Fact: The buzzing sound that you hear is made by the beating of the mosquitoes wings. The wings of both males and females make a buzzing sound. Females make a higher pitched sound than males. Most people never hear the male mosquito because it doesn't bite. 

Myth: Bats and Purple Martins are very effective at controlling mosquito populations.

Fact: Bats and Purple Martins are indiscriminate feeders and will eat any sort of insect that flies by. They don't concentrate on mosquitoes and very rarely have any substantial effect on mosquito populations.

Myth: Bug zappers effectively control mosquitoes.

Fact: Bug zappers kill many kinds of insects, including moths and beetles. Mosquitoes make up a very small percentage of the insects that are killed by bug zappers. Bug zappers do more harm than good.